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As you strive to achieve your goals and dreams you can count on there being some fairly substantial disappointments along the way.


Once you pinpoint the one thing that makes you happy the most, you'll have a pretty clear idea of what you should strive for in your life.


Most moms strive for perfection and this is the main reason why they think they are bad moms.


Once you pinpoint the one thing that makes you happy the most, you'll have a pretty clear idea of what you should strive for in your life.

6大细节证明 你其实没那么聪明

But strive for more than just accolades.

心怀信念 奋力前行

To have faith when you cannot see; to be willing to work on in the dark; to be conscious of the fact that so long as you strive for the best, there are better things on the way, this in itself is success.

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