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the Elves小精灵

Every day she swept out the house and shook the sweepings onto a large pile outside the door.

格林童话英文版:The Devil's Sooty Brother

He was to poke the fire under the kettles wherein the hell-broth was stewing, keep the house clean, drive all the sweepings behind the doors, and see that everything was in order, but if he once peeped into the kettles, it would go ill with him.

格林童话英文版:The Elves

There was once a poor servant-girl who was industrious and cleanly and swept the house every day, and emptied her sweepings on the great heap in front of the door.

安徒生童话英文版:Lucky Peer

And here too there was a heap outside the door, quite accidentally; but it was not a gold-heap—it was a heap of sweepings.

安徒生童话英文版:Ole the Tower Keeper-Third Visit

ON this occasion I chose the general "moving-day" for my visit to Ole, for on that day it is anything but agreeable down in the streets in the town; for they are full of sweepings, shreds, and remnants of all sorts, to say nothing of the cast-off rubbish in which one has to wade about.

安徒生童话英文版:The Angel

Here they remained, and the angel hovered over a small, narrow street, in which lay a large heap of straw, ashes, and sweepings from the houses of people who had removed.

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