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旅游英语:Cambridge University

Non-union sweatshops - their assembly lines grinding from early morning to late into the evening - are still visited by the US Department of Labor, who come to investigate workers' testimonies of being paid below minimum wage for seventy-plus-hour work weeks.

旅游英语:Chinatown In New York

Non-union sweatshops - their assembly lines grinding from early morning to late into the evening - are still visited by the US Department of Labor, who come to investigate workers' testimonies of being paid below minimum wage for seventy-plus-hour work weeks.


It's difficult to find any evidence or expertise beyond personal testimonies.


It's difficult to find any evidence or expertise beyond personal testimonies.


Artefacts, engravings, paintings, testimonies and photographs drawn from the outstanding collections of the Museum of London and the Port of London Authority, emphasise the skills and ingenuity of Dockland communities.

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