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化身博士-4 Doctor Jekyll receives a letter

Outside it was foggy and dark,but the room was bright andwarm and there was a bottle of good whisky on the table, 'This is a sad business about Sir Danvers Carew,'said MrUtterson.

神秘的猴爪-Chapter 5

She began to think about Tom Morris again and suddenly she said to her husband,'Your friend drank a lot of whisky last night!

神秘的猴爪-Chapter 2

The soldier put down his whisky.

神秘的猴爪-Chapter 1

' He got out a bottle of whisky and the two old friends began to drink and talk.

一个国王的爱情故事-5 沃利斯

When he came home, he took a bottle of whisky from a cupboard and began to drink.

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