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Tom had been too much interested in his talk with Luke, in going the round of the premises, walking in and out where he pleased, and whittling sticks without any particular reason,—except that he didn't whittle sticks at school,—to think of Maggie and the effect his anger had produced on her.

双语:“剩女”是这么甩掉的 十招必胜

"Write down all the traits of the type of person you have liked, are attracted to or have dated, and whittle it down to 10 qualities," says Whitney Casey, author of The Man Plan.

十大秘籍 摆脱前任找到靠谱的他

"Write down all the traits of the type of person you have liked, are attracted to or have dated, and whittle it down to 10 qualities," says Whitney Casey, author of The Man Plan.


This tactic can help whittle your middle-by up to an inch-in just six-weeks according to a study published in the journal Metabolism.


This tactic can help whittle your middle-by up to an inch-in just six-weeks according to a study published in the journal Metabolism.

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