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Under the first galling pressure of foreseen difficulties, and the first perception that his marriage, if it were not to be a yoked loneliness, must be a state of effort to go on loving without too much care about being loved, he had once or twice tried a dose of opium.


The younger had always worn a yoke; but is there any yoked creature without its private opinions?

格林童话英文版:The Peasant's Wise Daughter

Now when some years had passed, the king was once reviewing his troops on parade, when it happened that some peasants who had been selling wood stopped with their waggons before the palace, some of them had oxen yoked to them, and some horses.

安徒生童话英文版:The Jewish Maiden

He caused him to be yoked with his oxen to the plough, and driven with blows from the whip till the blood flowed, and he almost sunk with exhaustion and pain.

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