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当前位置:首页 -> 9级英语阅读 - > 外国经济学家说:中文是最实用的外语
添加时间:2017-03-31 20:18:34 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • 一个大一新生的烦恼:

    I’m gearing up for my freshman1 year of college, and I’m trying to decide which language to study. I’d like to pick the language that will be most practical. If you had to pick just one, which would you recommend?




    经济学家Emily Oster的回答:

    As someone who took six years of Latin, I am not sure I am the best source for information on what language will be practical, but I’ll give it a try.


    First, let me say I don’t think you are thinking about this quite the right way. You asked me about what language would be most practical. This suggests you’re thinking about only one side of the choice: the benefit side. Making the optimal2 choice requires thinking about both benefits and costs. In this case, I’d argue there may be very different costs to acquiring proficiency3 in different languages. It is a lot harder for most English-speakers to learn Japanese than to learn Spanish.


    But let’s start with the benefits. The benefits of a new language arise from the new people you can interact with in your new language. If maximizing this was your only goal, Mandarin4 would be the best choice: This is the native language for 14% of the world’s population, and most of those people do not speak English, so it’s win-win.


    Another language is Spanish, the native language of 5.8% of the world’s population, followed by English, Hindi, and Arabic.


    You might also consider how influential5 a given language is likely to be in the future, based on an area’s anticipated economic growth. Mandarin retains an advantage here, given that China is important economically. Spanish has the advantage of being spoken in a larger number of countries, although the total GDP of these countries is less than half that of China alone (roughly $11 trillion in US dollars). On the benefit side, I think we’re down to Mandarin and Spanish.


    On the cost side, Mandarin is a difficult language to learn, particularly as an adult. Learning to say “Ni Hao” and “xiexie” will endear you to a few locals in Shanghai, but it’s unlikely you’ll get far enough in Mandarin to find your knowledge of it truly useful. By contrast, Spanish is considerably6 easier for native English speakers, and it’s a lot more likely you’ll reach some level of mastery. In the end, I’d say unless you are a truly gifted linguist7, Spanish is the most practical choice.


    Of course, if you want something which is really useful, you might consider a new computer language, instead. I hear good things about JavaScript.


     9级    双语 


    1 freshman [ˈfreʃmən] 1siz9r   第7级
    • Jack decided to live in during his freshman year at college. 杰克决定大一时住校。
    • He is a freshman in the show business. 他在演艺界是一名新手。
    2 optimal [ˈɒptɪməl] zmDzhM   第9级
    • What is the optimal mix of private and public property rights in natural resources? 私人和国家的自然资源产权的最适宜的组合是什么?
    • Optimal path planning is a key link for the sailing contest. 帆船最优行驶路径规划是帆船比赛取胜的关键环节。
    3 proficiency [prə'fɪʃnsɪ] m1LzU   第7级
    • He plied his trade and gained proficiency in it. 他勤习手艺,技术渐渐达到了十分娴熟的地步。
    • How do you think of your proficiency in written and spoken English? 你认为你的书面英语和口语熟练程度如何?
    4 Mandarin [ˈmændərɪn] TorzdX   第10级
    • Just over one billion people speak Mandarin as their native tongue. 大约有十亿以上的人口以华语为母语。
    • Mandarin will be the new official language of the European Union. 普通话会变成欧盟新的官方语言。
    5 influential [ˌɪnfluˈenʃl] l7oxK   第7级
    • He always tries to get in with the most influential people. 他总是试图巴结最有影响的人物。
    • He is a very influential man in the government. 他在政府中是个很有影响的人物。
    6 considerably [kənˈsɪdərəbli] 0YWyQ   第9级
    • The economic situation has changed considerably. 经济形势已发生了相当大的变化。
    • The gap has narrowed considerably. 分歧大大缩小了。
    7 linguist [ˈlɪŋgwɪst] K02xo   第9级
    • I used to be a linguist till I become a writer. 过去我是个语言学家,后来成了作家。
    • Professor Cui has a high reputation as a linguist. 崔教授作为语言学家名声很高。

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