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The years during which he was struggling to acquire proficiency in a difficult art were monotonous, and I do not know that there was anything significant in the shifts to which he was put to earn enough money to keep him.


Writing and accounts she was taught by her father; French by her mother: her proficiency in either was not remarkable, and she shirked her lessons in both whenever she could.


Insiders from the Russia education industry confirmed students with both relevant professional background and Mandarin proficiency are more competitive in job applications.


: The importance of writing ability and how to improve your writing Writing is a vital index to measure your critical-thinking and language proficiency.


Disparities among Asian-Americans are primarily driven by the different levels of education, skills and English-language proficiency among the many groups that make up the diaspora.

双语:研究显示 想学外语到18岁都不算晚

To parse this problem, the research team, which included psychologist Steven Pinker, collected data on a person's current age, language proficiency and time studying English.

中国英语能力等级量表发布 看看自己在第几级?

China's first scale for English proficiency levels will be implemented June 1, according to the Ministry of Education and State Language Affairs Commission.


The Home Office may have falsely accused as many as 7,000 foreign students of faking their proficiency in English and ordered them to leave the country, with some of them saying they were detained and made homeless as a result.


China's first scale for English proficiency levels will be implemented June 1, according to the Ministry of Education and State Language Affairs Commission.


Insiders from the Russian education industry confirmed students with both relevant professional backgrounds and Mandarin proficiency are more competitive in job applications.


Shanghai leads the mainland in an international standardized test of English language proficiency, according to the British Council's inaugural white paper on mainland test takers' IELTS performance.


The English proficiency of people in China has reached its highest level since 2011, according to a report released last Wednesday.


"As a 15-year-old girl, Yang has shown the public her talents in literature and English proficiency.


In this case, I'd argue there may be very different costs to acquiring proficiency in different languages.


And that's on the low side; according to estimates on the high end, bilinguals can make an extra $128,000 due to their language proficiency.


Educational authorities in Anhui have confirmed that they would stop Public English Test System (PETS), a national English proficiency test, from 2017.


The Ministry of Education is drafting a national English proficiency testing and rating system, Lin Huiqing, vice-minister of education, said at the 2nd International Symposium on Language Assessment and Evaluation.


The English proficiency of the Chinese has improved since last year but is still at a middle level compared with other non-English-speaking countries and regions, said a report released last Tuesday.


Crafting well-written pieces on a blog can show strong writing proficiency and a self-starting attitude.


As Juli Willeman, head of the Pi Beta Phi group, which runs literacy campaigns, observes: "Reading proficiency predicts future success.

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