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French linguist Bernard Cerquiglini:"The English language doesn't exist.


He was a Jesuit priest, a gifted linguist, and had an amazing ability to memorize things, like poetry, essays, speeches, etc.

双语:研究显示 想学外语到18岁都不算晚

Charles Yang, a computational linguist at the University of Pennsylvania, says this finding does not surprise him, given the sophisticated grammar rules that we do not pick up until our teenage years—how to change an adjective into a noun, for instance.


Nick Enfield, the University of Sydney linguist who led the study, told The New York Times, "Our basic stance is one of reciprocity.


"The Swedish speakers tend to think that the line that grows longer in distance, takes longer," one of the researchers, linguist Emanuel Bylund from Stellenbosch University explained.


In the end, I'd say unless you are a truly gifted linguist, Spanish is the most practical choice.


Last year, a UK linguist said emoji was the country's fastest-growing language.


However, pinyin-guided English lessons mostly appear in non-standard textbooks, according to Professor Lei Hanqing, a linguist at Sichuan University.


,;, As a linguist concerned with visual communication, I have been interested to explore exactly what lies in these claims.


The man responsible for unraveling the mystery behind "OK" was an American linguist named Allen Walker Read.


The linguist Mario Pei theorized that more than five centuries ago, Turks from the commercial hub of Constantinople (which the Ottomans conquered in the mid-15th century) sold wild fowl from Guinea in West Africa to European markets, leading the English to refer to the bird as "turkey cock" or "turkey coq" (coq being French for "rooster"), and eventually "turkey" for short.


The ancient sources tell us she was intelligent, witty, charming, a linguist and along with this, she had a tremendous determination.


Sitting at the table were a historian, a sociologist, a linguist and a dozen other scholars.


Sitting at the table were a historian, a sociologist, a linguist and a dozen other scholars.

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