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You'll go back to work feeling like you've really accomplished something and had productive days off.


Tidy up your desk or wardrobe, you'll feel good that you're being productive and actually doing something.


You'll be more productive, and it'll mean that when you do meet up with your friends, you can leave work at work and focus on them.


Judging anyone harshly--especially yourself--is never useful, and being overly critical is never productive.


This could be incredibly counter productive, as your body might go into starvation mode and therefore try to hold on to any of the fat that you already have instead of burning it like you should be doing.


This is the most productive way to blow off steam, make your stress work for you, and get a great, mood boosting Adrenalin rush while you are at it.


We seem to let our dreams, goals, and me-time pass us by because we have better or more productive things to do.


You'll be more productive, and it'll mean that when you do meet up with your friends, you can leave work at work and focus on them.


Getting organized makes you more productive, and reduces your stress as well.


Judging anyone harshly--especially yourself--is never useful, and being overly critical is never productive.


By leaving your hotel room and exploring local restaurants, attractions, and events, you may find that you're able to make your business trips more enjoyable and productive than ever before.


Tip #1 – Set your alarm clock earlier Yeah, yeah – this is the one tip that nobody ever wants to hear… But here's the thing – if the rest of your day is already packed full of productive work, you're going to be hard-pressed to free up as much time throughout your day as you can by waking up earlier in the morning.

Never Too Late

If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don't do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old.


When you are productive, you feel happier.


Plan your hours to be productive.


Turn your "worry hours" into "productive hours".


The most productive companies are those that reward results instead of mere activity.


Instead, spend that time on sleep or something productive.

Think more about what you have

If you are grateful for your job rather than complaining about it, you'll do a better job, be more productive, and probably end up getting a raise any-way.


Productive Birds of a Feather You have the same amount of time each day as everyone else.

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