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" "Well, Bessy, I can't leave your children enough out o' my savings to keep 'em from ruin.


" Timothy was a wiry old laborer, of a type lingering in those times—who had his savings in a stocking-foot, lived in a lone cottage, and was not to be wrought on by any oratory, having as little of the feudal spirit, and believing as little, as if he had not been totally unacquainted with the Age of Reason and the Rights of Man.


And now your father has no ready money to spare, and your mother will have to pay away her ninety-two pounds that she has saved, and she says your savings must go too.


But at this moment he suddenly saw himself as a pitiful rascal who was robbing two women of their savings.


That basket held small savings from her more portable food, destined for the children of her poor friends among whom she trotted on fine mornings; fostering and petting all needy creatures being so spontaneous a delight to her, that she regarded it much as if it had been a pleasant vice that she was addicted to.


Nice cutting is her function: she divides With spiritual edge the millet-seed, And makes intangible savings.


" Then, while the Rat busied himself fetching plates, and knives and forks, and mustard which he mixed in an egg-cup, the Mole, his bosom still heaving with the stress of his recent emotion, related—somewhat shyly at first, but with more freedom as he warmed to his subject—how this was planned, and how that was thought out, and how this was got through a windfall from an aunt, and that was a wonderful find and a bargain, and this other thing was bought out of laborious savings and a certain a

迷人四月天:Chapter 11

" "You mean about the advertisement and my savings being spent?

迷人四月天:Chapter 6

She gave a sigh of contentment, and went on lying there looking round her, taking in everything in her room, her own little room, her very own to arrange just as she pleased for this one blessed month, her room bought with her own savings, the fruit of her careful denials, whose door she could bolt if she wanted to, and nobody had the right to come in.

迷人四月天:Chapter 4

She was quite certain that it was a most proper thing to have a holiday, and altogether right and beautiful to spend one's own hard-collected savings on being happy.

迷人四月天:Chapter 3

She took the whole of the rent in person to the owner, drawing it out of her Savings Bank—again she looked furtive and apologetic, as if the clerk must know the money was wanted for purposes of self-indulgence—and, going up with the six ten pound notes in her hand-bag to the address near the Brompton Oratory where the owner lived, presented them to him, waiving her right to pay only half.

迷人四月天:Chapter 2

"There's no harm in simply asking," she said in a low voice, as if the vicar and the Savings Bank and all her waiting and dependent poor were listening and condemning.

迷人四月天:Chapter 1

Wilkins—had so often encouraged her to prepare for, and whether to get out of such a climate and into the small mediaeval castle wasn't perhaps what Providence had all along intended her to do with her savings.

绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 36

I wanted Matthew to put it in the Savings Bank in the first place, but old Mr.


Her little hoard of savings had been estimated so carefully in connection with her expenses that she knew almost to a penny what her very small surplus would be when she returned to work.


If nothing else, a key takeaway should be that if you want to super-charge your savings, focus on the Big Three of housing, transportation, and food to leverage your efforts.


In addition to the enormous cost savings that result from long-term investing (as opposed to short-term trading), there are several tax advantages.


" That could translate into big savings, for "at the time wine consumption was enormous," he said, with a grin.


That's a simple way to calculate earnings but it can be powerful for determining whether there's a gap or potential shortfall in your savings strategy.


Sudden changes in career or job opportunities are to be expected with a short lapse of dipping into savings.

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