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We find that we never abide by any promise, but we really loved each other at one time.

十四行诗 Sonnet 27

Weary with toil, I haste me to my bed, The dear repose for limbs with travel tired; But then begins a journey in my head, To work my mind, when body's work's expired: For then my thoughts, from far where I abide, Intend a zealous pilgrimage to thee, And keep my drooping eyelids open wide, Looking on darkness which the blind do see Save that my soul's imaginary sight Presents thy shadow to my sightless view, Which, like a jewel hung in ghastly nig


I enjoy good health so I loyaly abide by the ancient Chinese philosophy and this is within the four seas all men are brothers.


Happy people abide by the golden rule.


Doctors say parents need to abide by the family rules, too, to model healthy behavior.

英语名人名言:Fear 恐惧

Susan Jeffers, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, 1988 Everyone has certain fears, certain things that one cannot abide.


We should be patriotic, abide by the law and realize our own responsibility, then we are doomed to have a happy life.

英语名人名言:Conscience 良心

The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience.

伊索寓言:The Bowman and the Lion

" The Lion, thus wounded, rushed, away in great fear, and on a Fox exhorting him to be of good courage, and not to run away at the first attack, he replied: "You counsel me in vain, for if he sends so fearful a messenger, how shall I abide the attack of the man himself?

格林童话英文版:The Six Swans

Here you cannot abide, they said to her.

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