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高适: 燕歌行并序

Still at the front, iron armour is worn and battered thin, And here at home food-sticks are made of jade tears.

岑参: 白雪歌送武判官归京

It enters the pearl blinds, it wets the silk curtains; A fur coat feels cold, a cotton mat flimsy; Bows become rigid, can hardly be drawn And the metal of armour congeals on the men; The sand-sea deepens with fathomless ice, And darkness masses its endless clouds; But we drink to our guest bound home from camp, And play him barbarian lutes, guitars, harps; Till at dusk, when the drifts are crushing our tents And our frozen red flags cannot flutter in the wind,

曼城 Art Gallery 艺术展览馆

This contains an international collection of a thousand plus objects including ceramics, glass, metalwork, furniture, costumes, textiles, toys, dolls houses and even armour.

格林童话英文版:The Owl

" He ordered them to give him some armour, had a sword and spear brought, and armed himself.

格林童话英文版:The Sparrow and His Four Children

"Sparrows and silly little birds are of no use in thatplace -- there one finds much gold, velvet, silk, armour, harnesses, sparrow-hawks,screech-owls and hen-harriers; keep to the horses' stable where they winnow oats,or thresh, and then fortune may give thee thy daily grain of corn in peace.

格林童话英文版:Iron John

"Thou shalt likewise have a suit of red armour for the occasion, and ride on a spirited chestnut-horse.

安徒生童话英文版:“Delaying Is Not Forgetting”

On the walls hung pictures of knights in armour and proud ladies in gorgeous dresses; the most stately of all walked about alive.

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