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A chunk of the novel is set during a chilly winter break.


While you can do this with many types of scarf, the large size of a blanket scarf has the advantage of doubling as a light coat for chilly weather.


It's a harsh reality that these chilly months are strongly associated with the cold and flu.


" "This is how we came to the idea of boosting their immunity up by doing this exercise with buckets of chilly water outside in the cold.


It became very chilly.


While it is still chilly, and before the humidity starts in, keep using your winter moisturizer on your face at night before bed.


It's simply because the water in the diving pool is chilly (which divers don't like) and the hot tub allows them to warm up, relax and focus, he explains.


Chilly bumps, goose pimples, goosebumps – there are a few names for when tiny elevations on your skin form that resemble a goose's flesh after its feathers are plucked.


And in the evening if it turned chilly, as it sometimes did after the heavy rains, he was a comfort to everyone, for the whole party would come and sit with their backs against his hot sides and get well warmed and dried; and one puff of his fiery breath would light the most obstinate fire.


Scientists from the University of Bath, in collaboration with a local cafe, studied the effects of grinding beans at different temperatures—from room temperature all the way down to a chilly -196°C.


It's very chilly today.


The day was chilly and in trying to play the pipes, his fingers grew very cold.


22-23 Light Snow ,,, weather is chilly and haze, do more outdoor activities to prevent blue mood, soothe nerves and regulate breath, eat more fruits and vegatables December.


At triathlons, Mr Kennedy handles all of the executives' logistics, including securing good starting times to ensure that the CEOs are not kept waiting for several chilly hours.


The bathroom gets chilly in the winter.


A chunk of the novel is set during a chilly winter break.


It's a harsh reality that these chilly months are strongly associated with the cold and flu.


Obama said on a sunny day cooled by a chilly sea breeze.


Yet my comfortable sweaters and warm slippers beckon, making me wish for another wet, chilly afternoon.

三万元遗产 The $30,000 Bequest(3)

On this occasion, just as the editorial page was being locked up, a gratis quart of strawberry ice-water arrived from Hostetter's Ladies and Gents Ice-Cream Parlors, and the stickful of rather chilly regret over Tilbury's translation got crowded out to make room for the editor's frantic gratitude.

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