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Here are 5 hibernation hacks designed to help you enter 2016 with grace, ease, and power!


I'm even more excited to share the hacks that have helped me make reading for pleasure a reality.


At night he hacks the accounts of big companies, looking into their misdeeds and reporting them to the police.


When it comes to protecting your phone while on the beach, or making sure your valuables don't get stolen while you're having a dip, these 'beach hacks' could make the difference between holiday hell and holiday heaven.


"It is an idiotically simple thing, but it remains one of the most impactful life hacks around," writes Quora user Brad Porter.

畅销书书评 每天最棒两小时

The technological distractions (emails and social media) and unending workloads have spawned an industry — books, blogs and executive coaches — devoted to "life hacks" aimed at increasing our individual productivity through efficiency.


When everything from traffic lights and cars to home heating systems are linked online, the potential for harmful hacks increases further.

安徒生童话英文版:Lucky Peer

At the side where Peer sat people came dressed as if they were in the street; but there came also knights with gold helmets, beautiful maidens in gauze and flowers, even angels all in white with wings on their hacks.

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