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But when all was said and done, Olive justified Uncle Benjamin's summing up—"a stunning girl.


Unless this long-gestating fourth installment can somehow bring back the old crew in a way that makes sense and is justified beyond all doubt, Toy Story 4 will be seen as a cash grab from a studio that made its sterling reputation by conditioning its audience to expect much more.

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Probably not, nor was it justified.


2 Broke Girls alum Beth Behrs and Justified grad Walton Goggins are heading to the Chuck Lorre/Steve Molaro comedy for guest roles.


" You are totally justified in being annoyed that your interviewer kept you waiting.

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" "However, we should not feel justified to dump polyethylene deliberately in our environment just because we now know how to bio-degrade it.


In industrial terms, Japanese companies have historically operated under constant threat of the "Galápagos effect" — the tendency to enter technological cul-de-sacs that were (just about) justified by the size of Japan's domestic market but ultimately separated Japanese products from global markets and destroyed their ability to compete.


At the Court of Appeal, Mr Work, a former executive at Lone Star, argued he had made an exceptional financial contribution — which the courts have defined as a quality of "genius" — through his wealth-creating skills and that this justified an unequal division of his wealth in the divorce, thus giving him a greater share of the money.


Ithought my connection with the matter justified my manifesting a certain amount of interest.


The trust had been justified.


As the Japanese government has made brutally clear, many Japanese businesses invested in the UK in the justified belief that the latter would provide a stable base for trade with the rest of the EU on terms as favourable as those available to producers anywhere else.


" 'Individuals and mixed-gender and female-female pairs will likely go for the middle option since it seems reasonable and is easily justified.


" Ikea has said limiting the recall to North America was justified, since its products meet safety standards in China, the European Union and other markets.


Is the hype justified?


Hong Kong bills itself as "Asia's world city" and the boast is justified.


You bang the saucepan on the counter top and feel perfectly justified in never inviting them again.


" That expression only works when it refers to "grown men" and though that may seem tautological, the "grown" is justified.

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Interactions among users: there are often discussions among viewers, such as if cheating is justified.

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He added, "Of course, the accumulation of wealth cannot be justified as the chief end of existence.


The central bank said the provision of dollar loans should "help return the exchange rate to a fundamentally justified level and balance supply and demand in the currency market with lower levels of exchange rate volatility".

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