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One day, an owl flew persistently towards the east till it was completely exhausted, so it stopped in a forest to take a rest.


Believing that personal enmities must be forgotten at a time of national crisis, he gets rid of old grudges and joins the imperial army of Ming Dynasty resolutely and persistently.


The man searched her persistently without eating and resting.


"Strong action and political leadership is needed to ensure growth in the region does not settle on to a persistently weak path," said Joe Oliver, Canada's finance minister.


Follow your plan accurately and persistently.

英语名人名言:Fear 恐惧

We must persistently and convincingly tell ourselves that the fear is here--with its gift of energy and heightened awareness--so we can do our best and learn the most in the new situation.

一千零一夜:Noureddin and the Fair Persian

At first the old man declined, but was persuaded to enter the room, to sit down on the edge of the sofa nearest the door, and at last to draw closer and to seat himself by the beautiful Persian, who urged him so persistently to drink her health that at length he yielded, and took the cup she offered.

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