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Let the pampering begin by getting her a gift certificate to the salon.


But it also proposes to buyers a "rare offer" -- "when you buy thishouse, you can ask the owner to marry you", alongside a picture of WinaLia, a 40-year-old widow and beauty salon owner, leaning against a car in frontof the house.


From charging slaughterhouse workers for their knives to compensating staff with tanning salon vouchers, German employers are coming up with creative ways to avoid paying a new minimum wage, angering unions.


10 years ago, I hoped to grow up and be mature; , 10 years later, I go to beauty salon fancying for perennial youth.

纽约发型师行善 免费为穷人理发

Mark Bustos, 30, usually works at a trendy salon in Manhattan where he deals with glamour models and sexy photo shoots, but he has found a unique way to give back to the city.


Liston's new salon -- part of a $50,000 decorating project -- was a hit.


Instead of eating lunch at your desk, take a walk to the local nail salon for a short chair massage.

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