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Incessantly I live over in my memory your caresses, your tears, your affectionate solicitude.

三万元遗产 The $30,000 Bequest(8)

Sometimes, when they woke out of these silences they had a dim and transient consciousness that something had happened to their minds; then with a dumb and yearning solicitude they would softly caress each other's hands in mutual compassion and support, as if they would say: "I am near you, I will not forsake you, we will bear it together; somewhere there is release and forgetfulness, somewhere there is a grave and peace; be patient, it will not be long.

唐玄宗: 经邹鲁祭孔子而叹之

I PASS THROUGH THE LU DUKEDOM WITH A SIGH AND A SACRIFICE FOR CONFUCIUS Tang Xunzong O Master, how did the world repay Your life of long solicitude?

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