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少坐多运动 一定会更长寿吗

If you are unfamiliar with the componentry of your genes, telomeres are the tiny caps on the ends of DNA strands.

中国北方美食漂洋过海 征服纽约

From Hubei Province, Henan's southern neighbor, comes re gan mian, or hot-dry noodles: muscular strands, clingy but not sticky, cooked the night before and doused with sesame oil, then cooked again and tumbled with sesame paste, salted chiles and scallions.


On impulse, I cut the prettiest strands of phlox and baby's breath and made one more arrangement for the funeral.


" asked Joe, taking the hand tenderly and pulling at some white strands beneath the bandages.


Adding fat to the dough inhibits gluten strands to form, causing them to be "short", so the final product is easily crumbled.

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