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"There," cried the sparrow, "thou cruel villain, thou hast killed my friend the dog.

蜂蜜成分揭秘 没你想的那么健康

'There's an idea that sugar is a pantomime villain and honey is the pantomime hero,' says nutritional therapist Ian Marber.


And shakes, and holds his breath, and mumbles through his teeth, "You villain, any how you'refinished too!

英语小说: 金银岛-Chapter 33

"John Silver," he said, "you're a prodigious villain and imposter--a monstrous imposter, sir.

格林童话英文版:The Willow-Wren

Then she, too, grew tired and thought to herself, you might certainly shut one eye, you will still watch with the other, and the little villain shall not come out of his hole.

格林童话英文版:The Master-Thief

"Dear wife," he began in the count's voice, "the thief is dead, but, after all, he is my godson, and has been more of a scape-grace than a villain.

安徒生童话英文版:The Beetle Who Went on His Travels

"Fie on the villain that forsook her!

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