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Trees were green and intriguing feeling welled up in his mind,as if he had heard the harmonious and charming music of nature.


These then are intriguing examples of a more nuanced approach to policy.


I will report that this was a profound wine, sweet, nutlike and burnished, yet with bright, intriguing flavors that ricocheted through the mouth.


Yet Rein's is an intriguing book, with many interesting anecdotes, mini-case studies, and interviews.


That may sound like an intriguing challenge, but it's not the job you signed up for.

诺贝尔医学奖揭晓 挪威夫妻上榜

The discovery of cells in the brain that act as the body's internal global positioning system, which won three scientists the Nobel Prize for medicine on Monday, opens an intriguing new window onto dementia.


Friendships are such a nuanced and intriguing relationship that we even follow celebrity friend breakups, as we do their romances.


Many of the snap judgments we form about people come from looking them in the eyes; shade yours, and you're instantly a more intriguing presence.


self-examination, or even doing tests before a course starts, are both very intriguing, interesting and possibly sort of revolutionary approaches to learning.


The intriguing finding comes from a study of 416 men and women who were asked to rate themselves for attractiveness, ahead of going on a series of hypothetical dates.


In the quest to fight obesity, scientists are looking at an intriguing question: Is it possible for adults to lose weight by having more baby fat?


But for many people the most intriguing feature of the human eye is simply its color.


Thus, where the reader wants to know more about the consequences of the sexual frustration of all-male Chinese communities far from home (there was prostitution and violence, of course, but also an intriguing round of Chinese-Irish marriages), Ms Chang's vagueness is unintendedly funny.

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