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Employee retention is incredibly high.


Among the topics we address in our seminars is the retention of quality employees—a real challenge to managers when you consider the pay scale in the service industry.


The idea is that each plan targets a different physiological reason why stubborn pounds refuse to shift — why you hit a weight-loss 'plateau' — whether it's a hormonal imbalance, sluggish gut or water retention.


But this year, the manufacturing hubs of Guangzhou and Dongguan have both raised their minimum wages, and many companies are expanding leisure activities and improving food at their factory compounds in order to boost worker retention.


It's all in the name of employee recruitment—and, once they're hired, employee retention.


In Tsien's specially engineered mice, the window opens for 250-thousandths of a second, long enough to make a remarkable difference in memory retention.


"You don't have to have the same chair, the same cubicle, the same room, to do your memorization," Carey says, "Changing context, changing environment aids retention.

培根散文随笔集 论变更

All this is true, if time stood still; which contrariwise moveth so round, that a froward retention of custom is as turbulent a thing as an innovation:and they that reverence too much old times, are but a scorn to the new.


In Tsien's specially engineered mice, the window opens for 250-thousandths of a second, long enough to make a remarkable difference in memory retention.

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