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Du Ruofu, a researcher on Chinese surnames who retired from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said combined surnames are becoming popular with young, modern couples, though they are not strictly permitted by law.


That's a station I used a lot," the retired doctor said.


He was a neighbor of my grandparents' age, long since retired.


One day after she retired, she went to the bank and discovered, to her great surprise, that her meager monthly savings had grown to over $150, 000.


So you swim around trying to figure out what young, retired baseball players do with their lives.


When I was in high school, dad retired and set up a food stand on the street near my school.


He was a neighbor of my grandparents' age, long since retired.


"We didn't evolve to be retired and sit on the couch.


They spent nearly 3 hours telling me about their travels together now that they're retired and all of the things they like to do for fun.


Wang, 85, is a retired army officer.


" Stephen Lea, a retired professor of psychology from the University of Exeter in the U.


Susan Cole, a retired librarian, from Sutton, Surrey, who has been compiling the list for almost 50 years since 1969, said: "Henry now tops the list but Harry doesn't even make the top ten.


She decided to swim across the English Channel before she retired.

沃尔大爆发 诺维斯基第一人 詹皇球哥同砍三双

Nowitzki, 40, had been tied at 20 seasons with Kobe Bryant, who retired from the Los Angeles Lakers after the 2015-16 season.


Duncan and Ginobili are both retired, while Parker signed a free agent deal with the Charlotte Hornets in July.


While partially retired, the 75-year-old broadcaster has still been reading the government's major headlines.

夏威夷僧海豹鼻子被鳗鱼堵住 陷入窘态

"You see some very strange things if you watch nature long enough, and this could end up being one of these little oddities and mysteries of our careers that 40 years from now, we'll be retired and still questioning quite how this happened.

重磅! 我国又成功发射两颗北斗导航卫星!

Since 2000, when the first Beidou satellite was placed in the space, a total of 47 satellites, including four experiment satellites, have been launched for the system and several of them have been retired.


The rest of the week, the retired teacher and coach never leaves the house without a few in his pocket, and he hands them out to random people he meets.

日本一公园售票员因害怕外国人 免费赠数万张门票

The unnamed man, who has since retired, reportedly said he had stopped collecting admission fees from foreigners of 200 yen for adults and 50 yen for children in April 2014, and had continued to allow foreign visitors in free of charge for about two and a half years.

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