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维他命饮料 究竟是好是坏

Particularly concerning, experts say, is the explosion of beverages marketed specifically for their high levels of antioxidants, like Vitaminwater, POM Wonderful, Naked Juice and many others.


In an attempt to improve your body odor, try eliminating or cutting down on alcohol and caffeinated beverages in favor of herbal tea.


Another would be to remove sugar-sweetened beverages from places like schools and hospitals or to regulate sugar-added products just as we do alcohol and tobacco, for instance, by putting restrictions on advertising and by slapping on warning labels.


Lipshultz is calling for a warning on all energy drink cans and bottles, warning parents of the risk allowing children access to the beverages.


From now on, take a moment to look at the serving size on the nutrition label and measure out (or count out if the serving is a number, such as "three pieces") controlled portions of foods and beverages.


According to a study published this week by the journal Cancer Prevention Research, an experiment conducted in eastern China's Jiangsu province found that feeding villagers beverages concocted from broccoli sprouts had various salutary effects, including helping the body to more speedily eliminate ingested air pollutants.


" Ge said he could "buy fewer beverages and clothes" while traveling, and "broaden my mind" at the same time.


Liquid calories add up quickly, so stick with water and calorie-free beverages, and you could lose a pound or more a week.


Replacing caloric beverages with water can help you drop up to 20 pounds in a year.


Most beverages can be counted as part of your daily fluid intake.

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