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" The fuel cells contain living microorganisms such as those found in soil or the human gut.


Avocados While avocados are normally considered a superfood, their high fat content does take longer for your gut to process, and therefore they are best served après yoga.


When you trust your intuition, and listen to those gut feelings, you'll become more confident in the knowledge that you do know what's right for you.


Previous studies have shown that whole grains can boost bone mineral density, lower blood pressure, promote healthy gut bacteria and reduce the risk of diabetes.


Go with your gut, and be willing to take a leap.


I know we've all felt decisions or actions that we had to take simply due to our "gut" impulses: when asked, we can't explain the reasons behind doing so — just a deep knowing that it had to get done.


In the hiring process, recruiters and managers often rely (at least a little bit) on their "gut" when making decisions about candidates.


If your gut tells you it's time to move on, if you have a passion that you've been dreaming of following for years, if you have a business idea that's clearly formed in your head, then now may be the time to make it a reality; even if it means starting at a lower level.


What Your Gut Tells You.


Take advice but follow your gut.


Can paunch a rabbit, pluck a pheasant and gut a fish, but allows men the privilege.


Now, a new study has discovered how exposure to cold dramatically alters the composition of bacteria the gut, and this leads to fat-burning, improved glucose metabolism, and reduced body weight.


Trusting your gut is one of the greatest superpowers that human women possess.


Can paunch a rabbit, pluck a pheasant and gut a fish, but allows men the privilege.


This affects the lining of the gut, making it difficult to absorb nutrients.


The reason people associate a big gut with drinking too many brewskies might be because beer is consumed in larger quantities than liquor or wine.


Emerging research suggests that the bacteria living in your gut may be impacting your mood, and changing what you eat can be the bad-mood-buster you've been looking for.


You have to trust in something-- your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever -- because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well-worn path, and that will make all the difference.


If we think we made a good choice, we prioritize information that supports this view and if we fear we've made a mistake, we zero in on intel or impressions that reinforce this gut feeling.

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