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A Princess and the Green Pea

A girl in shabby clothes was standing in front of the door.

The Toy Soldier

Some toy soldiers made of brass were standing on a shelf of a toy shop.

The Bottle Neck

It was standing upside down and was used as a water bucket for the bird.

An Old Church Bell

The statue is still standing on Stuttgart Square.

The Snowman That Hope to Walk

There was a snowman standing in the front yard of a big house.

The Pea Blossom

" Her mother ran to her and embraced her daughter who was standing by herself.

The Old Street Lamp

There once was an old street lamp standing on a remote corner of a town.

The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweeper

" The Shepherdess was relieved and went back to the table where she was standing before.

安徒生童话英文版:Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God:Thursday

To the left were the gentlemen-mice, stroking their whiskers with their fore-paws; and in the centre of the hall could be seen the bridal pair, standing side by side, in a hollow cheese-rind, and kissing each other, while all eyes were upon them; for they had already been betrothed, and were soon to be married.

安徒生童话英文版:The Shepherd’s Story of the Bond of Friendship

When we arose, I saw my mother standing by the church door, weeping.

安徒生童话英文版:The Metal Pig

They stopped before the picture by Bronzino, in which Christ is represented as standing in the lower world, with the children smiling before Him, in the sweet expectation of entering heaven; and the poor boy smiled, too, for here was his heaven.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Moon Saw-Fourth Evening

A stable had been turned into a theatre; that is to say, the stable had been left standing, and had been turned into private boxes, and all the timber work had been covered with coloured paper.

化身博士-8 Doctor Lanyon's letter

A shortman was standing in the shadows.


A moment later, his shining, wet body landed half-way up the grassy bank where Van Cheele was standing.

勃朗特一家的故事-9 亚瑟•尼可斯

Arthur Nicholls was sitting by her bed,and I was standing by the door.

格林•盖布尔斯的安妮-4 安妮还有更多的麻烦

But then sheremembered standing alone in front of the school children all after-noon,because of Gilbert.


I am standing here addressing you as a 70-year old man, an age when I should have gone home and enjoy the company of my children and grandchildren.

Hungry for Your Love

If I did, I know she would see me standing there, with tears streaming down my face.


I continued walking and was soon met by an imposing welcoming committee-a dozen big Jacks with massive heads, standing shoulder to shoulder and daring me to approach.

安徒生童话英文版-20 The Elf of the Rose

People were standing round the bed, and saying that the scent of the jasmine had killed him.

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