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旅游英语:布达拉宫 Potala Palace

On the floor above, there is a gallery which has a collection of 698 murals, portraying Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Dalai Lamas and great adepts and narrating jataka stories and significant Tibetan historic events.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(195)

You saw what they did to the giant Buddhas in Bamiyan.


Graphic shamanistic paintings cover its walls, while the statues are more like Hindu gods than Buddhas.

韩愈: 山石

On the old wall, said the priest, were Buddhas finely painted, And he brought a light and showed me, and I called them wonderful He spread the bed, dusted the mats, and made my supper ready, And, though the food was coarse, it satisfied my hunger.

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