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" Among the details in the agreement announced on Wednesday, Alibaba's logistic platform Cainiao and its e-commerce website Lazada will lead other Alibaba subsidiaries and affiliates in the development of a regional e-commerce and logistics hub near the Kuala Lumpur International Airport.


She was one of three female executives to make the list from Alibaba Group and its affiliates.


Prosecutors are probing whether the country's biggest conglomerate made the alleged payments to secure backing for a contentious merger between two Samsung affiliates last year.

马云拟入股财新 扩大媒体版图

Alibaba and its affiliates have moved aggressively into the media sector.


In the late 1970s, the National Education Association(NEA), its Indiana and Kansas state affiliates, and its local affiliate in Dodge City, Kansas, all lobbied Congress on behalf of creation of a national day celebrating teachers.


Emerging markets offer the best overall returns of any investment at the moment, according to two groups of experts who successfully predicted the last two financial crises: Research Affiliates, the investment advisory firm founded by Robert Arnott, and GMO, the fund company co-founded by Jeremy Grantham.

男童被绑架后连唱3小时圣歌 惹烦绑匪获释

Walker told local news affiliates that he believes God spoke through him to "save that boy's life.

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