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Bulstrode had also a deferential bending attitude in listening, and an apparently fixed attentiveness in his eyes which made those persons who thought themselves worth hearing infer that he was seeking the utmost improvement from their discourse.

迷人四月天:Chapter 6

No icy stare could come out of eyes like that; it got caught and lost in the soft eyelashes, and the persons stared at merely thought they were being regarded with a flattering and exquisite attentiveness.


That's why the solution isn't hourly messages from concerned moms and dads, whose stubborn attentiveness, no matter how well meant, can leave their children psychologically frail.


Being slightly narcissistic is linked to having strong relationships In "Rethinking Narcissism," Harvard Medical School psychologist Craig Malkin gives a definition of healthy narcissism: being able to move "seamlessly between self-absorption and caring attentiveness.


DNA tests found a link between certain genetic changes and behaviours such as attentiveness to strangers or picking up on social cues.


Eye Contact In most western countries, frequent eye contact is a sign of confidence and attentiveness.

Silent Angel

The survival of the twenty-two soldiers in the ward is dependent on the attentiveness and medical care from our nurses.

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