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爱自己 浪漫的开始

"You can live a lifetime and, at the end of it, know more about other people than you know about yourself," aviator Beryl Markham cautioned.


This will mark Scorsese and DiCaprio's sixth collaboration in 16 years following Gangs of New York, The Aviator, The Departed, Shutter Island and The Wolf of Wall Street.


When my (now) husband arrived at my house for our first date, I opened the door to my other half, dressed exactly like me, head to toe: aviator Ray-Bans, Levis, Timberland boots, the same yellow ski jacket.

帕蒂史密斯新作 后视镜中回望人生

She and Fred are taken into police custody during their trip to French Guiana, after officers pull over their hired driver — who resembles an extra in the Jamaican film "The Harder They Come," wearing "aviator sunglasses, cocked cap and a leopard-print shirt" — and discover a man curled up in the trunk of his car.


《》·, The story follows a little girl who is brought into a magical world by her neighbor, the Aviator, where anything is possible.

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