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Why do you paint on the bottom half of your pictures, but not on the top half?

班级郊游 Class Activities

There is a lake in the bottom of the mountain.


However ,her teacher had written across the bottom, , : "SALLY is a smart little girl,but she has one fault, ",.


The ferret-god made its way to the bottom of the garden.

五个孩子和沙精-4 比面包师的儿子个子大

'And because he had very long legs, he arrived at the bottom of the hill long before the baker's boy, who was stopping at the houses along the road to leave the bread.

五个孩子和沙精-1 漂亮的孩子

At once it turned and went back into the sand at the bottom of the hole.

鲁宾逊漂流记-7 Man Friday

The prisoner ran like a wild goat,and soon I saw that he was coming near the bottom of my hill.

哈克贝利•费恩历险记-3 哈克和吉姆向南旅行

Just after it was dark,Igot into the canoe and went up the river to the bottom of the town.

一个国王的爱情故事-9 我爱的女人

Edward took a pen and wrote his name at the bottom of the page.

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