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While his dogs were merely sweating because every time they tried to pack the unhappy lad tight in one part he bulged out in another, Hook's master mind had gone far beneath Slightly's surface, probing not for effects but for causes; and his exultation showed that he had found them.

Doug Heir (杜格·埃厄)

In time, his biceps bulged to 18 1/2 inches, and Doug was able to bench-press 400 pounds.


When he examined the discs in the spine afterwards, he foundthat they had been squeezed to the point where they bulged.


When he examined the discs in the spine afterwards, he found that they had been squeezed to the point where they bulged.

大胆提议 巴菲特应该收购Uber

There also is a compelling case to be made that $40 billion is a "value" price, no matter how wide our collective eyes bulged when we first read it.

安徒生童话英文版:The Flea and the Professor

The balloon was filled, it bulged out and could scarcely be held down, so violent did it become.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Old Man Does Is Always Right

The Englishmen were so rich that their pockets quite bulged out and seemed ready to burst; and they could bet too, as you shall hear.

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