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龙与鹿的战争 谁将成为东境守护?

"Real life transcended fantasy on Sunday for a franchise that has been victimized in the postseason by shotmakers of Leonard's caliber.


Caliber Insights、?


Other educationalists say the popularity among Chinese families of boarding schools also reflects the caliber of the education they provide.

2016年全球创新指数发布 中国首次跻身25强

The country's improved performance has notched the 17th place in "innovation quality", an indicator that looks at the caliber of universities, number of scientific publications and international patent filings.

《嘻哈帝国》 音乐界也有宫斗剧

Within the past few years, a number of US actors and actresses have migrated their talents from the big screen onto television sets, with the result being shows that frequently deliver a higher caliber of entertainment.


38 caliber handgun to my head, ordered me to the cooler, pushed me down on the floor, and pumped a bullet into the back of my head -- execution style.

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