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On the other hand, there's a growing body of evidence that they act as what FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb has called an "on ramp" to the more dangerous, combustible kind of cigarette.


China has extracted about 210,000 cu m of natural gas from combustible ice in the South China Sea, the Guangzhou Marine Geological Bureau said last Saturday.


NGH is commonly known as "combustible ice" as it looks like ice and burns easily, and it is mainly found in deep-sea sediments or permafrost areas.


With the inauguration weeks away, the tweeting, when combined with the impulsiveness of the president-elect and his unfamiliarity with world events, makes a combustible mix.

东京奥运会开幕式上 会有人造流星雨

Core77 reports that each combustible pellet comes in at about US$8,100 to produce, and that's not including the costs involved in actually launching the Sky Canvas satellite.


She piled them all together for me, dashed on a combustible sauce and charged me 5,000 rupiah, a delicious, crunchy, tongue-numbing bargain.

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