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Such correlations show how a dog's personality can actually help predict their future behavior.


It might seem implausible: after all, the "1/N" strategy is arbitrary and ignores useful information about historical risks, returns and correlations across asset classes.


There were several correlations.


There were several correlations.


" The researchers searched to find correlations between these periods of intense seismic activity and other factors and discovered that when Earth's rotation decreased slightly it was followed by periods of increased numbers of intense earthquakes.


Although direct correlations are hard to find, some scientists believe that the use of sonar has changed the behaviour of whales which have been observed swimming away, sometimes hundreds of miles, rapidly changing their depth and beaching themselves.


While these studies only establish correlations, and not cause-and-effect relationships, they do suggest that any commentary about weight could set the child on a journey of unhealthy eating habits and diets in an attempt to lose weight, which in the end can lead to them gaining even more weight.


The software looks for patterns and correlations: digital signals that help assess an individual's willingness and ability to repay.


He found that homework had a more positive impact on students as they aged, and identified stronger correlations between homework and achievement for students in grades seven through 12 than for students in kindergarten through sixth grade.

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These two correlations do not by themselves prove that chronic stress damages the memory, but Dr Evans and Dr Schamberg then applied a statistical technique called hierarchical regression to the results.

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