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He saw what the trouble was at once, and up he rushed and with his crutch he piled the pillows in a soft heap right under Buddy, and then Buddy let go the tight rope and down he came, just like in a feather bed.


" So Buddy hurried to the door, and whom should be see standing there but Uncle Wiggily Longears, the old gentleman rabbit; and Uncle Wiggily had rapped with his crutch, which had made the funny sound.


" exclaimed the old gentleman rabbit, as he leaned on his crutch.


Last night, Olivia Colman won best actress for portraying an English queen in The Favourite who frequently requires a wheelchair or uses a crutch to walk.


The Internet was a crutch for me to not feel so alone in an unknown territory.


Don't be tempted to use your phone as a crutch to avoid conversations by texting your friends or checking your Twitter feed the entire night.


Put your phone away It's normal to feel a little shy around someone you think is cute, but don't let your phone be a crutch to help deal with social anxiety.


The waste was surrounded by a large forest, and every morning the old woman took her crutch and hobbled into it.

英语小说: 金银岛-Chapter 33

Silver never moved; he watched them, very upright on his crutch, and looked as cool as ever I saw him.

英语小说: 金银岛-Chapter 32

" and he snapped his big fingers, halting a moment on his crutch.

英语小说: 金银岛-Chapter 30

So he pattered on, standing on the hilltop with his crutch under his elbow and one hand upon the side of the log-house--quite the old John in voice, manner, and expression.

英语小说: 金银岛-Chapter 28

Take a cutlass, him that dares, and I'll see the colour of his inside, crutch and all, before that pipe's empty.

英语小说:金银岛-Chapter 20

Then he advanced to the stockade, threw over his crutch, got a leg up, and with great vigour and skill succeeded in surmounting the fence and dropping safely to the other side.

英语小说:金银岛-Chapter 14

He stood where he was, resting lightly on his crutch, watching his companion like a snake about to spring.

英语小说:金银岛-Chapter 13

If an order were given, John would be on his crutch in an instant, with the cheeriest "Aye, aye, sir!

英语小说:金银岛-Chapter 10

"Aye, aye, mates," said Long John, who was standing by, with his crutch under his arm, and at once broke out in the air and words I knew so well: ",,.

英语小说:金银岛-Chapter 08

His left leg was cut off close by the hip, and under the left shoulder he carried a crutch, which he managed with wonderful dexterity, hopping about upon it like a bird.

英语名人名言: Time 时间

Kennedy (1917 - 1963) We must use time as a tool, not as a crutch.

英语名人名言: Reality 真实

Jules de Gaultier Reality is a crutch for people who can't cope with drugs.


"Then in that land,there lived a poor man with a patch over one eye and a crutch to help him walk.

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