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The essence of this light is Shri Lakshmi-arising, at the beginning of time, out of the waters at the churning of the Milky Ocean by gods and demons for a thousand years.


Prove your demons and your enemies wrong and you'll know true freedom.


Prove your demons and your enemies wrong and you'll know true freedom.

乔布斯传 第57期:苹果一代的诞生(2)

Jobs at times seemed to be driven by demons, while Woz seemed a naif who was toyed with by angels.

乔布斯传 第4期:前言(4)

Driven by demons, he could drive those around him to fury and despair.


Four other domestic movies made it to the top ten list, among them are the third winner Never Say Die, Kung Fu Yoga in the fourth place, the fifth winner Journey to the West: The Demons Strike Back, and Youth in the eighth place.


American businesses are demons for the corporate wellness trend.


We can react to them like demons of selfishness or like angels of love.


In the street, he saw two demons bringing an epidemic.


Not even necessarily the outward details of their lives, but the inner demons that exist within their minds.


Of Love and Other Demons 《》 "Crazy people are not crazy if one accepts their reasoning.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(206)

And alone with demons of my own.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(204)

Perspective was a luxury when your head was constantly buzzing with a swarm of demons.


At the same time,the monsters and demons ran wild and did great harm to the people.


Of Love and Other Demons 《》 "Crazy people are not crazy if one accepts their reasoning.


Chow's last film, Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons, earned more than 1.


In the story, he is constantly terrorized by monsters and demons because of a legend that they would obtain immortality by eating the flesh of a holy man.


She describes it as "the washing machine": endless agitation, physical pain, emotional pain, nonstop bargaining among opposing internal voices — the inner demons that whisper, Remember the delicious foam on the cafe latte?


Praise should never be given to or applied to a new-born Chinese baby as this is believed to invite the attention of demons and ghosts:the baby,instead,should be referred to with unfavourable terms and words!


" The poor sinner shuddered as he saw unfortunate people being continually hounded by ferocious beasts and cruel demons.

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