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时尚双语:穿上新型人字拖 胖腿烦恼去无踪

The innovative flip flops, dubbed 'FitFlops', are designed to help tone and trim your legs by engaging muscles for a longer period of time with each step.


3% of the TOP500 flops, with the US at second place with 29.


Forget flip flops and sun tan lotion, it's coffee and ketchup that holidaymakers consider their packing essentials, according to a study.


Most Chinese co-productions with the West have been box-office flops, but producers hope The Great Wall can show that big-budget Sino-Hollywood co-productions can work.


The same thing can happen with flip flops or any backless shoes as the heel is not secured.


Forget flip flops and sun tan lotion, it's coffee and ketchup that holidaymakers consider their packing essentials, according to a new study.


The Yinhe Supercomputer "" On November 21, 1981, "Yinhe I"supercomputer, with a performance of 100 million Flops, was successfully developed by National University of Defense Technology and got by state verification in Changsha.


As the saying goes, "It seems to be a perpetual rule that flops are produced elatedly and masterpieces painstakingly".


Perhaps wisely, press screenings are exempt from any dress code: scruffy journalists are free to ascend the Palais' steps in flip flops and trainers.

《肖申克的救赎》 20年的吸金利器

That's why there are six big studios: Smaller ventures that lack a reservoir of films have trouble surviving flops.

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