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10级 11级 12级

科学家最新发现 长痘痘的人老得慢

These are caps on the ends of chromosomes that protect the DNA in them from damage, much like caps on shoelaces prevent fraying.


Experts attributed this drop to rising unemployment and fraying social safety nets; recovery has since occurred in both areas.


The last thing you need in your bedroom is fraying cables or phone chargers.


These are caps on the ends of chromosomes that protect the DNA in them from damage, much like caps on shoelaces prevent fraying.


We've all experienced the irritation of a much-loved dress or top shrinking in the wash, coming apart at the seams or fraying at the hem.


However, recent science suggests that exercise may slow the fraying of telomeres.


" While such talk of the news cycle means far less in the era of social media, when bad news has a way of finding any electronic device at any hour of the day, the sheer volume of celebrity breakups this summer "may have encouraged some whose relationships were fraying to jump in, hoping they would be lost in the shuffle," Mr.

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