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Concerned about the animal's health, officials said they took the pig because it was severely obese, had a skin condition and needed its tusks and nails groomed.


To make eyes appear bigger, ensure they're well groomed with no strays before grooming them.


To make eyes appear bigger, ensure they're well groomed with no strays before grooming them.


Those judged to be best groomed earned around 70 percent more than the scruffiest – an average of $35,500 compared with $21,000.


In addition, the interviewers rated how well groomed they thought the participants were on a similar four-point scale: poorly groomed, average grooming, well groomed or very well groomed.


Air Bonsai uses the power of magnetic levitation to float small trees grown and groomed through the Japanese art of bonsai.


No one in the news ranks was being groomed as a successor.


" exclaimed the king No sooner were the words out of his mouth than the cloth came to an end But the father refused to accept the idea of a frog becoming queen His favorite hunting bitch had just had three puppies, which he gave the three sons "Take them to your betrothed and go back for them a month later The one who's taken the best care of her dog will become the queen" A month later, the baker girl's dog had turned into a big, fat mastiff, having got all the bread he could eat The weav


I take my cocker spaniel to be groomed once aweek.

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