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" Getting Help with an Unsolvable Task For the study, the researchers secured a clear plastic box to a wooden board and placed a food reward inside that was very attractive to the kangaroos, like a piece of sweet potato or carrot or a few dried corn kernels.

美文:Fifty-percent Expectation

That winter my crib overflowed with corn -- fat, healthy three-to-a-stalk ears filled with kernels from heel to tip -- while my neighbors' fields yielded only brown, empty husks.

The 50-Percent Theory of Life 生活理论半对半

That winter my crib overflowed with corn---fat, healthy three-to-a-stalk ears filled with kernels from heel to tip---while my neighbors' fields yielded only brown, empty husks.


Apricot kernels also contain high levels of amygdalin — eating more than three small, raw apricot kernels, or less than half of one large kernel, can be a serious health risk, says the EFSA.


In its purest form -- that is, plain air-popped kernels -- it's a healthy, whole-grain, antioxidant-rich snack food that comes at a pretty low-calorie cost for those who like to mindlessly nibble.


But did you realize that some quotes from famous movies contain real kernels of business wisdom?


That winter my crib overflowed with corn -- fat, healthy three-to-a-stalk ears filled with kernels from heel to tip -- while my neighbors' fields yielded only brown, empty husks.


Animals rootled along the road, and each house had maize, marigolds, pine kernels, garlic and chillies drying in the autumn sun.

the Ear of Grain麦穗的故事

The kernels grew from the bottom to the top of the stalk.

培根散文随笔集 论友谊

And therefore, rest not upon scattered counsel; they will rather distract, and mislead, than seme, and direct After these two noble fruits of frendship (peace in the affections and support of the judgement) followeth the last fruit; which is like the pomegranate full of many kernels; I mean aid and bearing a part in all actions and occasions.


That winter my crib overflowed with corn -- fat, healthy three-to-a-stalk ears filled with kernels from heel to tip -- while my neighbors' fields yielded only brown, empty husks.

格林童话英文版:The Cunning Little Tailor

" Then quite composedly, and as if he had no anxiety in the world, he took some nuts out of his pocket, cracked them, and ate the kernels.

安徒生童话英文版:Ib and Little Christina

They soon gathered some, cracked them, and ate the fine young kernels, which were only just ripe.

安徒生童话英文版:The Snow Queen-Fifth Story

"She is fat and pretty, and she has been fed with the kernels of nuts," said the old robber-woman, who had a long beard and eyebrows that hung over her eyes.

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