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乔布斯传 第22期:奇特的一对,两个史蒂夫(3)

Wozniak decided to use as few chips as possible, both as a personal challenge and because he did not want to take advantage of his colleague's largesse.


But public expenditure tied to strict invigilation of standards — a meeting of New Labour largesse and Sir John's Citizen's Charter — is a bipartisan settlement that is always almost -happening.


" Donor choices reflect in large part a traditional reverence for education and the fact that top universities such as Peking or Tsinghua are trying to mimic their US counterparts in tapping graduates' largesse.


Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, seems to epitomise the entrepreneurial dream; particularly since his recent announcement that he plans to donate most of his largesse to social causes.

苹果CEO蒂姆库克 计划捐出全部财富

While Cook's largesse could not begin to approach the scale of a Gates or Zuckerberg, both worth billions of dollars, the Apple CEO told Fortune he hopes to make a difference.

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