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" His home-sickness had quite slipped away from him, and for the moment he was the skipper of the canary-coloured vessel driven on a shoal by the reckless jockeying of rival mariners, and he was trying to recollect all the fine and biting things he used to say to masters of steam-launches when their wash, as they drove too near the bank, used to flood his parlour-carpet at home.


() Ideas are like the stars --- we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them.


—— 95、Ideal are like the stars --- we never reach them ,but like mariners , we chart our course by them.


The idea is to copy how ancient mariners used the moon, sun and stars to fix their position on the oceans.


——Leo Tolstory() 37、Ideal are like the stars --- we never reach them , but like mariners , we chart our course by them.


() Ideas are like the stars --- we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them.


——Leo Tolstory() 37、Ideal are like the stars --- we never reach them , but like mariners , we chart our course by them.


" To Samphire Starboard, who'd not touched a drop of wine for months on end, that seemed too good to be true They were almost in sight of their home port when the captain led Samphire to a table and placed several bottles of wine before him Samphire drank and drank until he fell unconscious to the floor Then the captain said to the king's daughter, "Don't you dare tell your father that drunkard freed you Tell him that I freed you myself, since I'm the captain of the ship and ordered him to re

一千零一夜:Sixth Voyage

The mountain formed the seaward boundary of a large island, and the narrow strip of rocky shore upon which we stood was strewn with the wreckage of a thousand gallant ships, while the bones of the luckless mariners shone white in the sunshine, and we shuddered to think how soon our own would be added to the heap.

一千零一夜:Fifth Voyage

I was so rejoiced to have at last got rid of this uncanny old man that I ran leaping and bounding down to the sea shore, where, by the greatest good luck, I met with some mariners who had anchored off the island to enjoy the delicious fruits, and to renew their supply of water.

一千零一夜:Third Voyage

Hoisting the sails, and cutting the cable of the anchor, they sailed our vessel to an island which lay a little further off, where they drove us ashore; then taking possession of her, they made off to the place from which they had come, leaving us helpless upon a shore avoided with horror by all mariners for a reason which you will soon learn.

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