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美剧:《小公子方特洛伊 10》

As to Earl's Court, it was a disgrace, with its dilapidated houses and miserable, careless, sickly people.

美剧:《小公子方特洛伊 9》

Often they have fever, and the children die; and it makes them wicked to live like that, and be so poor and miserable!

美剧:《小公子方特洛伊 6》

When his gout was at its worst, he did not hesitate to announce that he would not be bored and irritated by being told stories of their miserable misfortunes; when his gout troubled him less and he was in a somewhat more humane frame of mind, he would perhaps give the rector some money, after having bullied him in the most painful manner, and berated the whole parish for its shiftlessness and imbecility.


And see how the process cures half the evils of life—especially worry, that miserable, avoidable, shameful disease—worry!


" he burst out at last, "what a miserable thing a woman's love is to a man's!


"What I wish is that you should understand me,—that I shall take care of my sister, and that if you dare to make the least attempt to come near her, or to write to her, or to keep the slightest hold on her mind, your puny, miserable body, that ought to have put some modesty into your mind, shall not protect you.


I foresaw that that light-complexioned girl would win away all the love from Corinne and make her miserable.


It had been a more miserable day than usual; her father, after a visit of Wakem's had had a paroxysm of rage, in which for some trifling fault he had beaten the boy who served in the mill.


But one day, when he had broken down, for the fifth time, in the supines of the third conjugation, and Mr Stelling, convinced that this must be carelessness, since it transcended the bounds of possible stupidity, had lectured him very seriously, pointing out that if he failed to seize the present golden opportunity of learning supines, he would have to regret it when he became a man,—Tom, more miserable than usual, determined to try his sole resource; and that evening, after his usual form of pr


That was by no means a new idea to Maggie; she had been so often told she was like a gypsy, and "half wild," that when she was miserable it seemed to her the only way of escaping opprobrium, and being entirely in harmony with circumstances, would be to live in a little brown tent on the commons; the gypsies, she considered, would gladly receive her and pay her much respect on account of her superior knowledge.


Usually her repentance came quickly after one rash deed, but now Tom and Lucy had made her so miserable, she was glad to spoil their happiness,—glad to make everybody uncomfortable.


She never thought of beating or grinding her Fetish; she was too miserable to be angry.


Will was miserable in the necessity for playing the part of a friend who was making his first appearance and greeting to Rosamond, while his thoughts were busy about her feeling since that scene of yesterday, which seemed still inexorably to enclose them both, like the painful vision of a double madness.


He is hunted down and miserable, and has only a poor thread of life in him.


For he was very miserable.


In half an hour she came back, and said that papa and mamma wished her to go and stay with them while things were in this miserable state.


"It is so very hard to be disgraced here among all the people we know, and to live in such a miserable way.


Lydgate's discontent was much harder to bear: it was the sense that there was a grand existence in thought and effective action lying around him, while his self was being narrowed into the miserable isolation of egoistic fears, and vulgar anxieties for events that might allay such fears.


In the stormy fluctuation of his feelings these words of hers seemed to him cruelly neutral, and he looked pale and miserable after his angry outburst.

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