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Bulstrode has been guilty of shameful acts, but I call upon him either publicly to deny and confute the scandalous statements made against him by a man now dead, and who died in his house—the statement that he was for many years engaged in nefarious practices, and that he won his fortune by dishonest procedures—or else to withdraw from positions which could only have been allowed him as a gentleman among gentlemen.


He is invariably a gentleman by daylight, breakfasting in a dress suit, and posing as a paperhanger, while after dark he plies his nefarious occupation of burglary.


in California claims that Champion and Duffy "conspired" to steal the 95-year-old comic book legend's "identity, name, image and likeness as part of a nefarious scheme to benefit financially at [his] expense", The Guardian reports.


Second, and perhaps more importantly: Charlize Theron's nefarious hacker Cipher avoided capture or death at the end of the eighth film.


Some business institutes are using the opportunity to obtain advantage through nefarious ways.


The reason for this is because the two-dimensional barcodes and QR codes located on your passport can be used for a variety of nefarious reasons.


But you write that maybe they're not the real problem—that instead, there are actually a lot of little, maybe unwitting nefarious decisions and innocent but silent bystanders that really do the most harm.

棱镜门余波又起 苹果被曝留后门

Last weekend, a hacker who's been campaigning to make a point about Apple security by playing fast and loose with the now widely-accepted definition of "backdoor" struck gold when journalists didn't do their homework and erroneously reported a diagnostic mechanism as a nefarious, malfeasant, secret opening to their private data.

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