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Recent studies have extended the concept of cuteness to auditory and olfactory cues (baby laughter, or that amazing new baby smell) that prompt affection and caregiving.


Olfactory system ( cortex and neurons responsible for interpreting odours) can remember smell of almost 50000 different scents 7.


Zwiebel also suggests spraying your clothing with repellent that contains DEET, a chemical that acts to confuse the mosquito's olfactory receptors.


In his 1879 writings, Broca cited the smaller volume of humans' olfactory area in the brain compared to other, larger parts.


Because of something called olfactory adaptation, you never know quite how strongly your fragrance smells either - after a few minutes of exposure to a smell, it becomes 80 percent less powerful.


This serves to present the trapped particles to the olfactory glands on the roof of a dog's mouth, enabling the dog to further analyse the scent.


the poem is full of sensuous images such as fair flower visual image,comely grow kinasthetic image and honeyed blossoms olfactory image.


The high-end fragrance Paper Passion claims to capture the "unique olfactory pleasures of the freshly printed book," though for roughly $200 per bottle it's a lot cheaper to just buy a freshly printed book.


Formed by chemicals in the air, they are absorbed by little hairs, made of extremely sensitive nerve fibres, hanging from the nose's olfactory receptors.

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