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The bus will cross 18 countries over a period of 70 days, with passengers hopping off to marvel at the pagodas of Myanmar, hike the Great Wall of China and wander historic cities including Moscow and Prague.

旅游英语:西夏王陵 Imperial Tombs

Completely different, the mounds of Western Xia mausoleums look like squat Buddhist pagodas, round or octagonal and about 20 meters high.

旅游英语:呼和浩特 Hohhot

5 meters high and looks like a Buddha's Warrior Attendant's seat, with a base under it and five exquisite pagodas on the base.

旅游英语口语就该这么说: 国内之游 杭州

There are three small stone pagodas rising from the lake.


Structures for artistic appreciation, such as pagodas, balustrades, screen walls, stone tablets, bridges,and decorated archways abound in those gardens.

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