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The deep humiliation with which he had winced under Caleb Garth's knowledge of his past and rejection of his patronage, alternated with and almost gave way to the sense of safety in the fact that Garth, and no other, had been the man to whom Raffles had spoken.


" "I am sure he is a very deserving, well-principled young man," said Rosamond, with a neat air of patronage in return for Mrs.


It seems very unfitting that I should have this patronage, yet I felt that I ought not to let it be used by some one else instead of me.


Brooke had been right in predicting that Dorothea would not long remain passive where action had been assigned to her; she knew the purport of her husband's will made at the time of their marriage, and her mind, as soon as she was clearly conscious of her position, was silently occupied with what she ought to do as the owner of Lowick Manor with the patronage of the living attached to it.


With some endowment of stupidity and conceit, she might have thought that a Christian young lady of fortune should find her ideal of life in village charities, patronage of the humbler clergy, the perusal of "Female Scripture Characters," unfolding the private experience of Sara under the Old Dispensation, and Dorcas under the New, and the care of her soul over her embroidery in her own boudoir—with a background of prospective marriage to a man who, if less strict than herself, as being involved


He added that same-store sales had been boosted by increasing morning patronage "in the last year or two" in China.


Today he is semi-retired, whereas I have the typical middle-aged man's minor patronage powers.


The gaokao was expected to ensure that a peasant's son from Gansu has the same doors open as a Shanghai official - to make high test scores, not political patronage or guanxi (relationships), the ticket to a university education.


It looks like a 20th century institution still expecting that family patronage and old-school rules will get them by.

安徒生童话英文版:The Porter’s Son

Peter's," said the General, as he passed by; and smiled, like the personification of patronage.

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