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中国世界上出生率最低 遭遇精子危机

Beijing's efforts to reinvigorate China's birth rate, one of the lowest in the world, face a serious obstacle as semen quality plummets among young male donors, research suggests.


According to a study by Stanford University, productivity declines sharply after 50 hours, and plummets to almost nothing after 55 hours, so much so that the extra 15 hours is of little value.

秋裤的英文为什么是Long Johns?

Every winter, when the temperature plummets to new lows and everyone begins to layer up, the classic joke about pulling out Long Johns from the cedar closet inevitably starts to make the rounds.


And you will also send yourself into negative spirals where your self-esteem plummets and you spend your days or more in a vague negative funk.

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